Physical Education

Sports and competitive opportunities for students at Obuda University are provided by the Physical Education and Sports Institute (TSI). You can reach them at the following contact information:

In Óbuda University, physical education classes are held in four sports halls located at Tavaszmező Street, Népszínház Street, Doberdó Street, and Thököly Street, as well as at external venues.

Starting from the 2023/24/1 semester and with the introduction of the “F” curriculum, physical education becomes a criterion subject with the following duration:

  • For FOKSz (Faculty of Communication) programs, it is a 1-semester subject.
  • For BA/BSc/BProf (Bachelor) programs, it is a 4-semester subject.
  • For MA/MSc (Master) programs, it is a 2-semester subject.

Students from both full-time and part-time schedules have the opportunity to earn 1 credit point every semester. The acceptance of the semester is uniform at all campuses.

Students admitted to the “F” curriculum will initially be enrolled in the “Physical Education I” course, which serves as a collecting course. During the registration period, they can choose from the available courses and finalize their selection by changing their registration to the chosen course.

Exemption from participation in the session may be granted to elite athletes and, on the basis of a medical recommendation, to students suffering from a serious illness (detailed information can be found on the Exemptions full-time and Exemptions correspondence, evening pages). Students requesting an exemption for elite athletes should take the course 68 “Exemptions for competitive sports”. The request for an exemption and the accompanying certificates must be submitted to the teacher responsible for the course by the end of the 3rd week of the academic term.


In addition to mandatory physical education classes, there are various opportunities for regular training and participation in university and college-level competitions in different sports. You can inquire about these sports opportunities from the physical education teachers, on our website, or on our Facebook page.


The University Sports Club, Kandó SC, welcomes students who are eager to participate in the following sports sections: basketball, martial arts and combat sports, volleyball, archery, water polo, chess, and recreational sports. For detailed information regarding membership, you can contact Ákos Hiervarter, the director of the institute, at the email address


The physical education subject can also be fulfilled through participation in internal and inter-institutional events and competitions. Students who wish to fulfill the subject in this way should enroll in the course “Egyetemi sportrendezvények” (Course code: 116). After enrolling in the course, you will receive a message on Neptun with further details. You will be able to participate in the following competitions:

  • Internal events within the institution:
    • ÓE House Championships, cups
    • ÓE Sports Day: volleyball, martial arts, women’s and men’s basketball, handball, table tennis, football, futsal, bench press, tennis, ergometer rowing, chess.
  • Inter-institutional events:
    • Budapest University and College Sports Federation (BEFS) organized Budapest Area University Sports Competitions
    • Technical Higher Education Sports Day
    • Hungarian University and College Sports Federation (MEFS) organized national competitions between higher education institutions
    • Carpathian Basin Universities Cup
    • National Championships
    • Mass sports events (marathon, half marathon, UltraBalaton, Balaton swim, etc.).