Ensuring equal opportunities for student with disabilities

According to the provisions of the National Higher Education Act, students with medically assessed disabilities can apply for additional support from the University on an annual basis. From the financial resources provided through this support, we can offer supplementary assistance tailored to the needs of students who require it, to help overcome obstacles related to their studies. Such areas of support may include physical and information accessibility and the employment of personal assistants.

We are committed to supporting our students’ academic work and progress in every possible way. Therefore, if you have visual, hearing, mobility impairments, or any other learning difficulties, please indicate them by filling out the declaration available at the following link:

Statement for registration of additional support

Applying for supplementary support is not mandatory; however, financial assistance can only be requested by registered students who have the required documentation.

If you do not need any discounts for your studies, we kindly ask you to still support your fellow students who might benefit from it. You can do so by filling out the related declaration, which will contribute to the University’s efforts in promoting accessibility.

The registration declaration for supplementary support should be submitted to the Academic Office.

Principles regarding students with disabilities, the process for determining and certifying disabilities, are defined in a separate university regulation, which can be accessed at the following link:


According to the regulations, you also have the opportunity to apply for discounts to support and facilitate your studies. The application can be found and submitted through the Neptun request management system:

OE-0060 – Application for Discounts for Students with Disabilities

The application can be submitted until the last day of the registration week. If you have any questions or issues, feel free to contact the faculty coordinator who supports students with disabilities. You can find the contact information of the faculty coordinators below.

Kar Kari koordinátor Elérhetősége
AMK Bekk Tímea bekk.timea@amk.uni-obuda.hu
BGK Dr. Jókai Erika jokai.erika@bgk.uni-obuda.hu
KGK Dr. Katona Ferenc katona.ferenc@kgk.uni-obuda.hu
KVK Rákóczi Barbara rakoczi.barbara@uni-obuda.hu
NIK Dr. Steiner Henriette steiner.henriette@nik.uni-obuda.hu
RKK Prokai Piroska prokai.piroska@rkk.uni-obuda.hu
YBL Dr. Katona János katona.janos@ybl.uni-obuda.hu

Feel free to approach the relevant colleague with any questions you may have.

The University’s institutional disability coordinator is Piroska Prokai, to whom you can also turn with your questions and issues, in addition to the faculty coordinator. You can consult with her about the possible ways of assistance, and you can request a personal meeting with her at the email address provided in the above coordinator table.

Your personal information will be treated with special attention and kept confidential during the related procedures.