Rectors’ welcome

The welcoming words for the newly admitted students of the 2024/2025. autumn semester by Prof. Dr. Levente Kovács, rector of the Obuda University.

Neptun System / Neptun code

The Neptun Unified Education System is the mandatory administrative platform for students’ studies. For logging in you need a unique Neptun code about which every admitted student will receive an email.

Online enrollment in the Neptun system

Information about the online enrollment process (within the Neptun system).

Registrar’s Office

For every student the most important organizational body is the Registrar’s Department and the most important person within that is your own academic lecturer, whose contact details can be accessed by clicking on the chapter title.

Ensuring equal opportunities for student with disabilities

Information from the Equal Opportunities Committee’s Sub-Committee for Students with Disabilities.

University Student Council

The University Student Council is the primary representative body of the University’s students. Apart from advocacy, however, it carries out a number of activities (e.g. awarding and disbursing social grants/scholarships). You can read more information by clicking on the chapter title.

Faculty Student Councils

The most easily accessible (even in person) representation body for students is the Faculty Student Council, which performs many other activities in addition to representation (e.g. organization of Freshman Camps). The Faculty Councils information is available by clicking on the chapter title.


The basic task of the Library is the planned and continuous collection, filing, discovery and provision of the literature necessary for the teaching, research and academic work of the University. The Library contributes to the development of students’ knowledge of library use, to familiarizing them with literary research methods, and also provides assistance in acquiring information culture, and as a public library, it participates in the National Document Supply System (Országos Dokumentumellátó Rendszer – ODR), thereby ensuring the University’s comprehensive literature supply.

State scholarsip form of financing

In the higher education admission procedure, the Office of Education sent the state scholarship information to students who were admitted in the Hungarian state scholarship financing form together with the classification decision. More information is available by clicking on the chapter title.

Fee-paying form of Financing

In the higher education admission process, students who have been admitted to the fee-paying form can pay the self-financing fee in several ways. More information is available by clicking on the chapter title.

Student ID card

A student admitted to a higher education institution is entitled to apply for a student ID card and to use the related benefits. You can read more information by clicking on the chapter title.

Physical Education

Information about Physical Education courses and the Elite Athletes program.